Accelerant Wiki

A phrase during a Search to indicate that another player or NPC must give more details about how or where they're searching before items must be revealed. A request may be made that the person who is searching performs a more detailed search if the items are not in an obvious place, such as a hidden compartment or stitched into hidden pockets.

Core Detailed Search Rules[]

  • The searcher must take the time to say where they're looking for items.
  • Items cannot be hidden in places people might find rude or inappropriate.
  • The item must actually be hidden where stated. They cannot have an item in their pocket, for example, and claim it was tucked in their boot. It must be hidden there. * When searching a general area, a request may be made to be even more specific by stating "Describe that Search."
    • Example: An item is concealed in the sole of your boot and someone says "I search your boot". You may ask them to "Describe that search" before giving it up.
  • A character should not demand unreasonable searches with too much detail - a search should take no more than a minute.

Players and NPCs may not take any prop or costuming that is not tagged as something that can be stolen. Pay attention to prop restriction tags in order to determine whether the item may be kept, or whether it must be turned in at the end of the game event.

Common Search Practices[]

  • During field or wave battles, it is uncommon for supporting characters (such as "nameless goblin 2") to hide things on their person in a way that would require a lengthy search during a fight.
  • Even though you searched an NPC already, when they reappear for the next wave battle, it is possible to search the same NPC and find more items afterwards.